We use the conv(x1,x2) function in Matlab to perform convolution of two discrete signals. For example, to perform the convolution of two discrete time sequences x1 (n) = {1, 0, 1,2} and x2 (n) = {1, 2, 4, 6}. Code: x1=[1,0,1,2]; %1st sequence N1=length(x1); %stores length of 1st sequence n1=0:1:N1-1; %range of x axis for 1st graph of 1st sequence subplot(1,3,1); % in a 1x3 grid, 1st sequence occupies the 1st grid stem(n1,x1,'linewidth',1.5); %to plot the sequence specifying time axis, signal and line width xlabel('n1----->'); %title of x axis ylabel('x1----->'); %title of y axis grid on; x2=[1,2,4,6]; %2nd sequence N2=length(x2); %stores length of 2nd sequence n2=0:1:N2-1; %range of x axis for 2nd graph of 2nd sequence subplot(1,3,2); % in a 1x3 grid, 2nd sequence occupies the 2nd grid stem(n2,x2,'red','linewidth',1.5); %to plot the sequence specifying time axis,signal,line width and colour xlabel('n2----->'); % title of...
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